in Spain, we are carrying out four projects in support of education, employability and humanitarian assistance.
in Spain, we are carrying out four projects in support of education, employability and humanitarian assistance.
© Kristóf Hölvényi
In Spain, three out of ten young people are facing a risk of poverty or social exclusion, and approximately 42 % of young people claim to have suffered anxiety or depression. This project aims to promote spaces for youth participation in order to influence the processes of social inclusion, gender equality and psychosocial well-being. Emphasis will be placed on the effective participation of women and the most vulnerable or socially excluded communities, in order to strengthen their know-how and capacities to promote their socio-emotional well-being and their right to civic participation, thus becoming agents of change. We are implementing it in six Autonomous Regions: Castilla y León, Comunidad de Madrid, Galicia, Cataluña, Murcia y Andalucía.
© Irene Galera / Entreculturas
1.015 Women and 585 Men
With the local partner:
In the line of work:
Through comprehensive support for children, as the focal point to break the cycles of social vulnerability, we guarantee that they receive training in learning skills and psychosocial assistance that promote healthy habits, violence prevention and socio-emotional health.
In addition, we offer parenting skills and styles training to children and young people’s families and tutors. Those actions take place in coordination with local social agents and Public Administration services, in order to promote the creation and promotion of support networks.
© Red Mimbre
890 Women and 810 Men
With the local partner:
In the line of work:
We support employability projects with people in a vulnerable situation or at risk of social exclusion, mainly migrants, women, homeless people, young people and their families. Our goal is to contribute to a change in access to decent livelihoods through training and education, job placement and employment opportunities.
© Irene Galera / Entreculturas
The project offers holistic assistance to displaced people -most of them in need of international protection-, that guarantee full inclusion and participation in the host society.
To this end, we are strengthening our first aid services and assistance to individualized accompaniment itineraries, providing an early response to needs and situations of vulnerability.
© SJM España
11.607 Women and 6.459 Men
With the local partner:
In the line of work: