We work on the lines of Education and Training for Employment through two projects.

Project 1:

Education for the 21st century, with quality, equality and inclusion in vulnerable contexts.

The project seeks to strengthen and deepen the processes of school support and comprehensive training that have been implemented following the impact of the pandemic on the educational community. It is a gradual, systematic and focused process based on the review of teaching practices, the revision and adaptation of curriculum, and the promotion of innovative teaching methodologies with a gender-sensitive approach. Specific strategies are added at the digital level that favour inclusion, strongly affected by the digital divide, and socio-educational measures for emotional health prevention and care.




5.392 Women and 4.081 Men

With the local partner:

In the line of work:

Project 2:

Promoting equal opportunities for the development of transformative livelihoods.

Facing high poverty rates, youth unemployment, unequal opportunities, we are driving productive transformation processes, which promote labor market insertion of young people and adults, especially women. To this end, we offer training focused on access to employment, in connection with the business network of the educational centers community, and we promote skills for entrepreneurship.




3.646 Women and 2.021 Men

With the local partner:

In the line of work: