Support for displaced populations in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela
million €
Since 2009, Inditex, JRS LAC (Jesuit Refugee Service in Latin America and the Caribbean) and Entreculturas have carried out humanitarian assistance programs, assisting more than 77.000 displaced persons and refugees in Colombia and its borders.
In October 2021, we began a new three-year program, shaped by the regional humanitarian crisis caused by the current context of Venezuela, which is suffering a massive, precarious and multi-causal exodus. More than 5.5 million Venezuelan people have left the country during the last two decades, settling mostly in neighboring countries and other Latin American territories. For this reason, the program focuses on these areas, with the aim of providing comprehensive care to the displaced population.
The main lines of the program are:
© Sergi Cámara / © Peter Porta / © Sergi Cámara / © JRS
In the Brazilian context, where there are ways for the regularization and documentation of displaced persons, we offer legal advice to ensure the protection of the most fundamental rights. We promote the integration of displaced children and young people into the educational system in order to overcome the language barrier that currently keeps them away from schools, and we carry out actions for peaceful coexistence in the communities. In addition, we will develop documentary sources and reports that mitigate the lack of information on the migrant population, in order to improve the humanitarian response of NGOs and the Government.
With the local organization:
© Monteserín Fotografía
In Colombia, the project focuses mainly on strengthening protective and preventive spaces, both in educational institutions that allow children and young people to move away from the dynamics of violence, as well as at the community level.
In addition, we offer comprehensive humanitarian care for the physical and psychosocial well-being of displaced persons, responding to the emergency with distributions of goods and services, psychosocial accompaniment for healing, and legal guidance and legal support to demand the fulfillment of rights by the State.
With the local organization:
© Peter Porta
In Ecuador, our objective is to provide individual and collective legal and psychosocial support, migration regularization and the enforceability of fundamental rights of the population in a situation of forced human mobility.
In addition, the response in the line of education is materialized through protective spaces for migrant children and youth at risk and their families, improving access and permanence of minors in the educational system, and promoting community capacities for integration.
With the local organization:
© JRS Ecuador
Due to the critical situation of the Venezuelan population, the main focus of our intervention is to respond to their immediate needs through assistance and humanitarian accompaniment with food and non-food aid. Legal advice is also key so that migrants know their rights and the mechanisms to access them, thus preventing abuses and lack of protection.
We work in educational communities to transform them into protective spaces to face violence and latent risks, and situations of social and family disintegration caused by forced migration. In addition, humanitarian aid also includes school supplies with which we promote insertion and permanence in the educational system.
With the local organization:
© JRS Venezuela
The project also provides direct support to the displaced population in the Colombian-Venezuelan border area of Arauca-Apure with legal orientation, psychosocial accompaniment, local integration and delivery of humanitarian aid through the work of the JRS LAC office.
On the other hand, and in order to address the discriminatory discourses that impede the integration of the displaced population in the program countries, the Jesuit Network with Migrants (RJM) implements initiatives to promote hospitality and reconciliation in the countries of intervention. We will thus connect local processes in the countries around public advocacy actions in the region.
With the local organization: