Educate to change LIVES

More than 20 years of partnership

More than 1´3 million people have benefited from our educational programs in 28 countries since 2001, when Entreculturas and Inditex signed a framework agreement. On the horizon of our goal is the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with which we align and commit ourselves.

During this time, both organizations have worked closely to promote Corporate Social Responsibility. Through our international cooperation programmes, we facilitate access to quality education and provide professional training to young people and adults so that they can find a job and get ahead in complex contexts of poverty and social exclusion.

We also work in humanitarian emergency situations, helping refugees, migrants and victims of natural disasters, offering them protection, education and supporting their social and labor integration and the defense of their rights.

Our partnership in numbers (2001- 2023)

Education: 25,3 M. € (40,5%)

Training for Employment: 15,7 M. € (25,2%)

Humanitarian Aid: 21,4 M. € (34,3%)

62,4 million of euros

1,5 million people

28 countries

170 projects


GO Program. 2023-2025

Move the mouse cursor over the map to explore countries

We guarantee education

We promote employability

We serve displaced persons

We measure impact


© Monteserín Fotografía

For a
more just
and sustainable

© Red Mimbre


© Javier Bauluz